Thursday, April 1, 2010

Unite for Peace

Unite for Peace was an event, that was scheduled on March 25, 2010, to mark the day of Pakistan Resolution (Lahore Resolution). It was planned to emphasize on Unity and give a message to Pakistani Nation that United We Stand, Divided We Fall. It has been ages that we have been a prey of Divide & Conquer strategy. Even when Quaid-e-Azam said the prosperity of Pakistan lies in Unity, Faith & Discipline, his emphasis was on Unity.

About Green & White Pakistan

A initiative to create Religious, Cultural & Ethnic Harmony

Green & White Pakistan, is a non- Profit organization working on self help basis to create the awareness about coexistence. Green & White Pakistan strongly believes that multiethnic and multicultural nature of Pakistan is a blessing that Pakistani nation has yet not discovered. So diversified that, we are counted as one of the richest cultures of the world.

Green & White Pakistan, is working by creating awareness in the youth about the coexistence and its charm. The steps taken by Green & White Pakistan are being successful and are being appreciated by well known figures of Pakistan.