Thursday, April 1, 2010

Unite for Peace

Unite for Peace was an event, that was scheduled on March 25, 2010, to mark the day of Pakistan Resolution (Lahore Resolution). It was planned to emphasize on Unity and give a message to Pakistani Nation that United We Stand, Divided We Fall. It has been ages that we have been a prey of Divide & Conquer strategy. Even when Quaid-e-Azam said the prosperity of Pakistan lies in Unity, Faith & Discipline, his emphasis was on Unity.

It was a matter of great sorrow that right before the event, Lahore- Pakistan was struck by a series of 8 bomb blasts that rocked the city. Due to serious security issues the event had to be delayed for a little while, but Green & White Pakistan decided to condemn the event in a very peaceful manner.

It was planned on that Saturday March 27, 2010 Pakistanis would gather to light up candles on Liberty Roundabout, Lahore. Every Pakistani was welcome to participate in the event.

A group of 30 people gathered with Green & White Pakistan to participate in the event in which banners where held to deliver a message of unity and peace.

They event started at 7:30PM PST (+5 GMT)  and lasted for approximately two hours. During this fliers of Green & White Pakistan where also distributed.

Few remarkable moments of the events where when a 8 years old boy, when passed that area, came back to stand their with a candle lit in his hand to show his love for Pakistan. Upon asking he told that he loved Pakistan and wanted to join Pakistan Army. Likewise, a lot of passerby joined for Unite for Peace. with a hope to create a difference for Pakistan.

Moments from the event

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