Monday, July 19, 2010

Crippled Media, Ruled by America. No Voice On The Humiliation of Mothers & Sisters of the Nation

Its been half a decade that Pakistani Media is dramatizing the notion of Crippled Media. On one hand media says that government suppresses to publish news against itself and on the other hand a local channel exposes Swiss Bank cases for the President of Pakistan.

I find this statement of Crippled Media more of a myth rather than a reality.

It was on Tuesday night July 06, 2010 that the administration of F.C. College, Lahore called Punjab Police to assist it to for a midnight action against the people residing in F.C College on the stay of Lahore High Court.
The people living here are settled here since ages. Its been like 25+ years for every family living there peacefully. The history of these people is, that F.C. College government gave some homes to people to secure the Christian property from various elements. At that time these people were guaranteed the security of their residence. This was the time when F.C. College was not an American Asset.

Now when F.C. College was denationalized by government it started becoming an American asset. De-nationalization was not some thing for the Christian community of Pakistan, rather it was the sheer pressure of America of Gen(R) Pervaiz Musharraff, Former COS and President of Pakistan. It has been the history of F.C. College that several times our intelligence have discovered US spies here and they were Pakistani professors of Government of Pakistan, spying for USA.

This time again America has got F.C. College to make a strong intelligence base and that is why it is pouring a lot of money in this institution for its building. If the de-nationalization was done for the Christian community of Pakistan then why only F.C. College and not other institutions. The answer is simple; the US pressure.

The most sad part of this all is that when at midnight the F.C. College administration with the help of Punjab Police did an action against the residents, there was no one to rescue them. The police officials humiliated the sister and mothers of the nation and threw stuff out of their homes.

I raise my questions to the Pakistani media that acts to work for the Pakistani nation:

  1. During that night, when I personally contacted every media, why didn't they respond?
  2. When there is something from which they can play blame games they do everything to cover the incident, then why didn't they give a live coverage for this event?
  3. When print media was giving news to print why did they skip it?
  4. When the residents did a press conference with authentic proofs why didn't media air it?
  5. When the residents staged protests against the action in front of press club and governor house, where was media?
Please spread this word as much as you can and help creating awareness and prove media that we don't need them rather they need us.

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