Tuesday, March 8, 2011

TEDxAnarkaliLive @ University of Central Punjab

TED, an International non-profit organization working for Technology, Entertainment and Design. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience.

TEDxAnarkaliLive, curated by Rohan David Emmanuel, presented the live simulcast of TED2011 LongBeach?

The gathering was small yet wonderful! TEDxAnarkaliLive was hosted at University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan to present the live Simulcast of TED 2011. Around 30 people from various walk of life gathered atTEDxAnarkaliLive.
The event started at 8:30PM PST (Pakistan Standard Time) with an opening TEDTalk: Kenichi Ebina's Magic Moves. The energetic and mystic performance warmed up the crowd and prepared their mind for the great TED Talks of TED 2011 that where coming up shortly. This talk was followed by Ken Robinson: Changing education paradigms that gave an overview of how the educational system needs to be change.
A small general knowledge quiz about Pakistan was held and a gift vouncher was given. Just 20 minutes before the start of TED 2011 Live Simulcast the TED Talk Steve Jobs: How to live before you die was played. Not any of the attendees ever knew the hard realities of life of Jobs although their everyday life is doomed with the use of iPhones, iPads & iPods. This left people with the lesson of connecting the dots in their life to love what they do. And most importantly do what they love.
Then came up Antonio Damasio with the first talk of the session. It was great that the audience of TEDxAnarkaliLive was as interested in the talk as we could find people sitting in Long Beach. After 2nd talk was by Deb Roy.
These two talk were followed by a general quiz about world and the winner was again given a gift voucher. 
The event ended with the a TED Talk from which TEDxAnarkali was inspired. This breath taking TED Talk was from TEDxMFZU by Yan Junjie - Sand Painting: World of Conceptions.
TEDxAnarkliLive was one of few TEDxLive events that went live on air on TED 2011 and was the first TEDxLive event from Pakistan to go live in TED 2011, in the history. 
This wonderful event has definitely left strong impressions on attendees and organizers as well because- there where Ideas Worth Spreading.

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